A platform for action.
Cringe and binge worthy, The Devil We Know, a 2018 Official Selection of the Sundance Film Festival, tells a true story of corruption in Corporate America that involves the poisoning of an entire town and one of the largest class action lawsuits in the history of environmental law. Watch the film, and the shock-and-awe factor will be in full-effect, but it wasn’t made solely to blow one’s mind. It shines light on the horrifying truth — there are over 80,000 inadequately tested chemicals approved for use in the US — by educating the public and urging citizens to start asking for answers. The starting point: a robust online rendezvous, where aspiring activists can be educated with documents and articles, sign petitions, bombard Facebook and Twitter with “fact memes” using the one-click social sharing feature, or even sign up to host a screening. Following months the documentary’s release, 100k+ active users per month were doing just that.